Shad Thevenaz Chartered Financial Analyst
Shad assists the consultants in the planning process. Assisted by the IG Living Plan Portal program, Shad is able to analyze, create and project various retirement scenarios to our clients, allowing the clients to see the big picture now and in the future. Keeping them on track, even when life throws a curve ball. Shad also completed insurance needs and investment portfolio analyst, and pension commuting outcomes.
Shad earned a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from the University of Alberta, a Masters of Science in Agricultural Economics from Texas A&M University and also has the Chartered Financial Analyst designation.
Shad was born and raised in the Red Deer area on a family farm near Bentley. He currently makes his home in Red Deer with his wife and daughter. He is a big sports fan and loves spending weekends BBQing and smoking beef from the family farm along with other delicious creations.